Photographic exhibition launched at Huddersfield Parish church

What do you do when your church runs out of its picture postcards? Hold a photographic competition and get the public involved.

And that’s exactly what Huddersfield Parish Church has just done after discovering its stock, pictured right and below,  of memento postcards is running low.

Said the curate, the Revd Simon Crook: “Huddersfield Parish Church has long been an iconic building in the town, and attracts many visitors.

“In 2014 the work on its conservation was voted by local paper, The Examiner readers “as contributing the most towards helping improve the quality and image of the town”.

“And many visitors to the church like to buy a postcard as a memento of their visit, so we are enlisting the help of the general public to take some new and exciting photos of the building for us to make into a new set of postcards.”

There is a prize fund of £100 and the deadline for submission is February 19th with the winner announced on Saturday 3 March at 12 pm when the shortlisted pictures will go on display in the town centre church.

Entry is free and the three categories are: classic exterior; classic interior; and creative/contemporary. All entries should feature the parish church in some way.

The judging panel will include Professor Christine Jarvis from the University, Stuart Beaumont (from One17) architect of the award winning conservation work on the building, and one of The Examiner’s very own photographers.

All entries must be in digital format, 300dpi, only two entries per person and should be sent clearly named and with contact details to Postal entries (CD or memory stick) are accepted and should be sent to: Huddersfield Parish Church, Byram Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1BU.

Read the rules in full here.

Huddersfield Parish Church on Byram St, is usually open Mon-Fri 8:30am-4pm Saturday 10am-2pm and Sundays 7:30am-4pm

Full details of how to enter are available by contacting Simon on or 07742177610.

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