Pick up your leaflets for a Holy Lent of Loving. Living. Learning

Pick up your leaflets for a Holy Lent of Loving. Living. Learning.

The six bishops across our diocese have issued an open invitation to all parishes to join them for a Holy Lent of Loving. Living. Learning.

The Bishops’ Lent project goes to the heart of the diocesan vision by asking people to explore what Loving, Living, Learning. means to them through daily prayer, Bible reading, fasting and meditating. 

There is a pack of 60 leaflets available for every church -100 for our larger churches and Cathedrals – which will be available from your Area Deans. The Bishops have asked that these should be given out with a launch on Sunday February 11.

And each Bishop has offered an open invitation to come and join them in a time of prayer on each of the Saturdays of Lent across the Episcopal Areas:


Bishop Helen Ann at Ripon Cathedral on Saturday 17 February from 10am to 3pm

Bishop Paul will be at Leeds Minster on Saturday 24 February 10am to 3pm

Bishop Jonathan will be in Halifax Minster on Saturday 3 March from 10am to 12noon and Dewsbury Minster from 1 to 3pm

Bishop Toby will be at Bradford Cathedral on Saturday 10 March from 10am to 3pm

Bishop Tony will be at Wakefield Cathedral on Saturday 17 March from 10am to 3pm

Bishop Nick will be at Holy Trinity, Skipton on Saturday 24 March from 10am to 3pm. 


Bishop Nick said: “This is an invitation to share with others in prayer during Lent to bring us together as a Diocesan family. This is not meant to replace any Lenten project in your church but to supplement it and help us focus on what and who we are here in the Diocese of Leeds."


The Bishops have written a prayer for Lent which they ask people to join in each day: 

Lord God, through Lent, open our eyes to see all the right and wrong that we have done.
Help us in our loving of one another, to make good decisions, to be strong and not give up.

Stir us, strengthen us, teach and inspire us to both learn and live the Gospel with generosity and joy, imagination and courage for the sake of your world and in the name of Jesus.



Remember to pick up your leaflets - contact your Area Dean!



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