Please hold Sri Lanka and Sudan in your prayers, asks Bishop Nick

Bishop of Leeds, the Rt Revd Nick Baines, is urging all parishes to pray for our partner dioceses in both Sri Lanka and Sudan at a time of great challenges.

"We have all been horrified by the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka at Easter.

"Bishop Dhilo of Colombo is thankful for our love and solidarity in prayer as this beautiful country continues to face political division at the top and insecurity for the populace.

"He will let us know if there are specific practical things we can do to support them in the weeks and months ahead, but for now requests our prayers," Bishop Nick said.

During his recent sabbatical, Bishop Nick spoke at the Freedom of Religion conference in Sudan's capital, Khartoum, (pictured with clergy and Archbishop Ezekiel of Sudan) and he asked for spiritual support to also be focussed on that troubled region.

"Tensions remain in Sudan as a peaceful transfer of power from the army to a civilian administration remains elusive," he said.

"Archbishop Ezekiel of Sudan and his colleagues continue to engage with events there – especially in Khartoum – and our brothers and sisters there are grateful for our prayers and support at a time of uncertainty following the coup."

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