Prayer and thought linked to nature at Parcevall Lent retreat

Natural and spiritual links are to the fore at this year’s Lent Retreat at Parcevall Hall.

It is led by retired priest Revd Christine Shedd and picking up on her love of gardening and gardens, she will look at Biblical gardens and guide people in contemplation of the created world and how we live in that world.

“This is my first time leading this Retreat and the theme arose from my love of gardens and gardening, but it’s not just for those interested in gardening,” Revd Christine said.

“It will include the things usually expect on a retreat like silence, space, short reflections and optional daily services, but also one or two slight differences.

“Do come and find out what these are!”

Christine said there are many parallels between our spiritual lives and the natural world; pruning, weeding, cherishing, tending and flourishing, all especially important during Lent.

She served as a Reader and later as a priest in our own Diocese.

She served as Chaplain for the Mothers;’ Union and Warden of Readers and has now retired to Huddersfield where she is Widows’ Officer and Chaplain to the Mirfield Air Cadet Squadron. 

Her hobbies include reading, knitting, family history, walking, the countryside and, of course, gardening.

The lent retreat runs from 4pm, Tuesday, February 25 to 3pm, Friday February 29.

 Full details available at:

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