Prayers for Lord Lieutenant Barry Dodd named as pilot in fatal crash

The Anglican Bishop of Leeds, the Rt Revd Nick Baines has led tributes to Barry Dodd CBE, the Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire, who has died in a helicopter crash.


Special prayers were said at Ripon Cathedral following news that Mr Dodd had been killed in the crash on at Aldborough, near Harrogate on May 30.


A candle was lit for him at the Cathedral’s ancient altar of St Wilfrid.


The Anglican Bishop of Leeds, the Rt Revd Nick Baines paid the following tribute to Lord Lieutenant Barry Dodd.


“This is a tragedy beyond words.


“ Barry was a brilliant Lord Lieutenant, a successful businessman and a great friend and advisor.


“He will be greatly missed. My heart goes out to Frances and their family.  May Barry rest in peace and his family be comforted in their grief.”


(Picture left, Barry Dodd providing introductions at the service of welcome for the new Bishop of Ripon, Helen-Ann Hartley)


A spokesperson for the Cathedral, in the Anglican Diocese of Leeds said:

“The Dean of Ripon, John Dobson and the whole cathedral community are shocked and saddened to hear of the tragic death of Mr Barry Dodd, the Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire.


“Our thoughts and sympathy are with his wife, Frances, and we pray for her as we also pray for the repose of his soul.


“Barry Dodd was a popular and effective Lord Lieutenant of the county, uniting people to work together for the common good, and he was a supportive friend of the cathedral.


“He will be missed greatly. 


“We also pray for Mr Peter Scrope, the Vice Lieutenant, and all the deputy lieutenants as they respond to this tragedy.”


Bishop Helen-Ann added her words of condolence: "Receiving the news of Barry's death came as an immense shock.

"He was a committed and faithful servant of North Yorkshire and a great champion of its people and communities.


"We are all diminished by his sudden and tragic death.


"I recall with great fondness his role in my installation service as Bishop of Ripon in February as he helped introduce me to key representatives of the local community.


"My thoughts and prayers are with his family, particularly his widow Frances and all who worked closely with him." 


(Pictured right, the Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire Barry Dodd CBE with his wife, Frances and the Dean of Ripon, the Very Revd John Dobson at the Queen's 90th birthday celebrations in 2016.)

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