Prepare for a "new normal" due to COVID-19, says Bishop Nick

As the diocese celebrates its sixth birthday, Bishop Nick has thanked clergy and lay together for their commitment and hard work and made a call to prepare for “a new normal” after the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a letter to clergy sent last night, he writes: “Happy Birthday! The Diocese of Leeds is six years old today.

“We are where we are because of your hard work, committed service and diligent ministry. “We have gone through considerable change in the last six years and not ducked any of the challenges presented to us.

“I thank you, my colleagues, our diocesan support staff and all who offer their time, gifts and experience to our ministry and mission.”

Referring to the continuing COVID-19 lockdown, which remains in place to protect the NHS and save lives, Bishop Nick says of the future:

“What is evident already is that there will not be any return to ‘normal’ any time soon – and possibly any time at all.

“We will have to create and work with a new normal.

“But, our job will be to face whatever the new realities look like and shape for ourselves, and our communities, new ways of being.”

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