Probably the First Festive Feast in the diocese

Probably the first Festive Lunch of the year in our diocese took place at Settle Parish Church on Tuesday.

Pictured are regulars at the weekly community lunches, Agnes Ingham and her daughter Julie and granddaughter Lucy from Skipton.

“My husband Jim and I come to the lunches here every week.

“It’s always so friendly, welcoming and the food is lovely,” Agnes said.

Margaret Roberts (pictured spreading good cheer) helps run the popular lunches and said 4O folk had signed up for the early seasonal feast.

“We like to have our Festive Lunch well before Advent as everything comes at once in December with the build up to Christmas.”

Holy Ascension on Church Street is well known for its high quality Tuesday lunches, lovingly prepared and served by its team of volunteers.

"During the summer it gets very busy because we get a lot of visitors calling in - some come back year after year," said Margaret.

The church is currently searching for funding to update its kitchen and improve toilet facillities.

"We really do need a new kitchen quite desperately. It doesn't need to be fancy, just to help us do the job," said Margaret.



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