Pupils ‘Think Chocolate’ in Lent

Susie and Joe, ppoised to paint their posters for Think ChocolatePaintbrushes poised, Susie and Joe, pupils from Callisto Class at Birkenshaw Primary are busy designing their posters for the diocesan wide ‘Think Chocolate’ Fairtrade Poster Competition and what’s more…  both intend to win!

Susie, aged 9, says:
"I'm part of the Eco-Council and I think it's unfair that people who work on farms sometimes don't get fair prices for what they grow.
“I think the Fairtrade Easter Egg is a good prize for the competition, because it's giving people who work on the farms a fair price. I hope to win the egg!"

Joe, also aged 9 talking about the competition added,
“It’s a good idea to encourage people to support Fairtrade - I'm in it to win it!
"I think it's unfair that farmers aren't getting paid enough money, so it's a good idea to put the food price up a bit, so that they get enough money."

Both are excited about activities to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight at their school this week and next. There will be cookery lessons with Fairtrade ingredients as well as Fairtrade films and activities. Every child in the school is taking part in the ‘Think Chocolate’ Fairtrade Easter Egg Competition. 

Susie is a member of the School Eco-Council, and is busy organising events for the school.
Joe is representing the school at the fairandfunky Fairtrade Conference for Schools in Huddersfield in March. 

Birkenshaw CE Primary School’s website explains how their Christian ethos is at the heart of everything they do and being a Fairtrade School and also an Eco-School flows from that. Teachers Mrs Tombling and Mrs Cherryholme are proud of the children's engagement with ethical issues, regularly participating in the Eco-Council as well as organising events.

Fairtrade Easter chocolateIt’s not too late for you to take part in the West Yorkshire and the Dales ‘Think Chocolate’ Poster Competition. It’s for adults as well as children. Just design a poster to advertise Fairtrade chocolate or cocoa, scan your work and send it to Tina Walker.

The competition is open to individuals, church schools and church groups, with 3 age categories 18+,
Secondary School; and pre-school and Primary. The closing date is 15 March. Find out more here.

Certificates and Fair Trade Easter Eggs will be awarded to the lucky winners.





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