RAF Air Cadets help homeless by gathering gloves, hats and scarfs this Christmas

RAF Air Cadets from 168 City of Leeds Squadron have been helping the homeless by collecting hats, scarfs and gloves for St George’s Crypt this Christmas. 
Father Darren Percival, Priest in Charge of Saint Hilda's Cross Green and Saint Saviour Richmond Hill, and chaplain to the squadron, asked the Cadets to gather the clothes, calling it Operation Snowflake.
The appeal came as the church is seeing and increased number of homeless people in Leeds.
Father Darren said: "You don't choose that way of life, for some it just happens from relationship breakdowns, unemployment, drugs and poverty all of which I see within the Parishes of Cross Green and Richmond Hill."
The squadron ended up collecting not only hats and scarfs, but also cleared out their uniform stores by donating outdoor walking clothing too. 
In the end, 24 boxes were brought to St Saviour’s Carol service and presented to Father Roger Quick, Chaplain to the Homeless on behalf of the Crypt.
Father Roger thanked the Cadets and said: "I’m blown away by the generosity of so many young people. 
“If Mary and Joseph came to Leeds they might look to stay at the Queens hotel or maybe the Hilton, but the place where they would stay to give birth to Jesus would be the Crypt, as the Holy Family were a young vulnerable couple looking for a safe haven in which Our Blessed Lady Mary gave birth to the Saviour of the World.”

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