Rainbow floral carpet helps raise cash at All Saints\' Otley

A dazzling floral carpet created by local children has helped Otley parish church raise some £800 for two good causes.

It's three-day flower festival was free to visit, but generous donations have allowed the church to make donations of about £400 each to the two charities currently supported by its Local to Global Team - Caring for Life, in Leeds, and Kisiizi Hospital, in Uganda.

Who Put the Colours in the Rainbow? took place from Friday, June 29 to Sunday, July 1 and featured a variety of displays based around the theme of creation.

One of the most striking was the long, rainbow-coloured path that was laid out down the middle of the church.

Otley All Saints' Parish Church administrator Linda Sharp said: "It was wonderful to round off the first half of the year with a flower festival.

"Our inaugural festival last year was so successful that we wondered at first if we would manage to equal it, but we needn’t have worried.

"The theme we chose was inspired by a song of the same title - Who Put the Colours in the Rainbow? - and the range and variety of interpretations was incredible.

"Perhaps the most eye-catching display was the rainbow-coloured 'carpet' that filled the centre aisle of the church, comprised of individual trays filled by local children.

"We were delighted that all five of Otley’s primary schools agreed to take part, as well as the 3rd Otley Brownies, children from our Sunday Clubs and Messy Church, and the members of Caring for Life’s Art Department.

"Their brief was to fill as many trays as they liked with any items of a single rainbow colour and the result was spectacular!" Linda said.



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