Rainbow harvest lights up the church - and supports local food banks

On Sunday the whole church family and community came together at Holy Trinity and St Jude’s Church, Halifax to give thanks to God for the colour and variety of His Creation with a rainbow celebration of Harvest Festival.

The all age celebrations began the night before with a harvest supper served in the church hall to 56 people, complete with harvest themed quizzes.

On the Sunday morning the congregation had been asked to come in bright rainbow colours, and bring colourful harvest gifts for the work of the local food bank, the St Augustine Centre in Halifax, supporting those in need in their local community.

And they did! Assistant curate, the Revd Michelle Petch explained: “The church was a splash of colour. The windows had each been decorated the day before with rainbow colours, crafts and gifts, and they looked splendid. Groups who had taken responsibility for a window included the Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, choir, and various members of the congregation. There was also a stunning flower arrangement on the font, arranged by churchwarden and flower arranger Christine.

“During the service the Children’s church assembled a rainbow, and helped us to wonder about how it might have been when God made the very first rainbow."

Rainbow Harvest poems were read by the Brownies, the church received a rainbow decorated box of harvest goods from the Tiddlers Toddler Group, and heard the Young Voices Choir sing ‘O Ye Badgers and Ye Hedgehogs Bless The Lord.

She added: “We created our very own rainbow harvest display of produce during the service, using the rainbow which the children had assembled. It was heartening to see so many members of the congregation, young and old joining in with this.

“ It was a very enjoyable, colourful celebration of God’s goodness to us all,” she added.

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