Re-imagining the Church – what can we learn from lockdown?

Exploring new ways that the church can carry out mission and ministry, as the UK seeks to emerge from lockdown, will be the focus of an up and coming webinar. Event poster

Our own Robin Gamble, the Bishop’s Advisor for Church Growth, will be hosting the online event, entitled ‘Re-imaging the Church’, alongside the Rt Revd Sophie Jelley, the newly appointed Bishop of Doncaster, and the Rt Revd Philip North, Bishop of Burnley.

The webinar will look to discuss what lessons the church can learn from lockdown imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as what the Acts of the Apostles from the Bible have to say about a changing church.

Bishop Sophie was ordained and priested in the Diocese of Bradford, and most recently was a Residentiary Canon Missioner at Durham Cathedral, while Bishop Philip has been Bishop of Burnley since 2015.

The Revd Canon Robin Gamble said, “During the webinar we shall be looking at four areas of the churches life: dynamic worship, connecting with our communities, prophetic impact and renewed commitment to evangelism.”

“Sophie and Philip are two of the most inspirational voices in the North of England and I think this event will be a powerful experience for us all.”

The webinar is a joint venture between the diocesan communications and church growth teams and will take place on Thursday, September 3 from 10.30am until 12 noon.

If you would like to book a place please email with your name, email address and the church you are from.

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