Remembrance commemorated in Halifax

One of our churches in Halifax has been commemorating Remembrance Day a little early this year, with a socially distanced gathering and service before the second lockdown. 
St John’s, Warley & St Hilda, Halifax organised the events to help local people engage with a Remembrance event embedded in their local area. 
Those involved included Chief Inspector Waugh from the local police, Councillors Amanda Parsons-Hulse and Ashley Evans, and community and Uniformed groups. 
All gathered to be filmed laying wreathes and holding the 2 minutes silence at war memorials in each parish. 
Musicians and a small group from the choir at St Hilda’s contributed the sung worship and the rest of the service was filmed at St John’s Church. 
The Revd Caroline Greenwood, Vicar at St John’s and St Hilda’s, said: “Being involved in a socially distanced project like this has been a great way to cheer everyone up and help them to feel that they are reclaiming these important occasions in the church and community year from the limitations that have needed to be placed upon us. 
“Members of the community have expressed gratitude for the church taking the time to reach out in this way.
“I have been encouraged by how those in the congregations that are not tech aware have embraced what we are doing with our weekly services going out on our YouTube channel “St John’s, Warley & St Hilda, Halifax”. 
“We release our service each week over several platforms resulting in over 80 people now engaging in what we offer online each week when added together.”

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