Remembrance - in icing

Extraordinary creative skills were employed at a church in West Leeds to help with the act of remembering those who lost their lives defending the country.

Vicar of the Church of the Venerable Bede (in Wyther, Armley Deanery), the Revd Andrew Pearson, says, "Following the Remembrance Sunday service as well as the ususal refreshments we had a Remembrance Sunday cake.

"This follows a cake back in 2015 which portrayed a bomber crew with a Lancaster taking off behind them.

"The 2017 cake, made by Joanne Boland, daughter of church members, Mavis & Nigel Boland, featured a tin hat, cross and poppies - all made from icing. The cake was cut up immediately after the service and every piece was either eaten or taken away.

"The service was attended by 86 people including 29 children, most of them members of uniformed organisations. One of the older members of the church, 83-years old Tom Maynard, spoke the words, “They shall grow not old….”. Tom’s father fought in the Battle of Ypres (1917) and he wore his father’s medals at the service.

"We wonder if any other church in the diocese or event the country has a Remembrance Sunday Cake?!"

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