Ringing out in celebration

Three bells, recently restored and rehung at St Mary Magdalene’s church, East Keswick, have been  rededicated by Bishop Paul Slater, the Bishop of Richmond.

During the rededication service on Sunday 18 February, Bishop Paul blessed the bells and then Churchwarden, Mrs Fiona Siekierkowski (pictured right)  and one of the ringers, Mr David Moseley (pictured left), received the care of the bells back from Bishop Paul.

Also pictured is the Revd Lynne Grey  who assisted at the rededication service. “The service of Holy Communion  included  the rededication of three bells and thanksgiving for all  the hard work in raising money for the project, “ said Lynne.

The parish of Bardsey and East Keswick is situated eight miles north east of Leeds. St Mary Madalene was built in 1857 as a Chapel of Ease to the Parish Church in Harewood nearly three miles away

The two bells hung in 1859 needed replacing in the 1930’s. There were plans to replace them with six bells, but only three were actually installed in October 1933. 

Pictured with Bishop Paul beside the chiming apparatus are Derek and Keith Illingworth.

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