Running to raise for the roof

Dressed as All Saints Church in Cawthorne, a dedicated congregation member completed a gruelling 19 mile run to raise money for urgent repairs to the church roof.

Jonathan Bell is one of the church wardens and has raised a total of £2,000 so far to go towards the urgent and expensive works required. 

Wearing a specially designed and constructed cardboard model of the church, Jonathan was joined at different stages of the run by his fellow church warden Ruth Holloway and brother Stephen.

Vicar of the West Barnsley Benefice, Revd Maureen Browell, said, “Jonathan has been an absolute inspiration and when the church council discovered the need for essential repairs to the roof costing £92,000, he took decisive action and arranged the run in just five weeks." 

Jonathan, a former Royal Navy diver had been helping to clear the guttering, believing it to be the reason for water ingress in the grade 1 listed church. However it was soon apparent the stone gutters had collapsed, leading water to saturate the inner walls and causing the roof timbers to develop dry rot. The damage also threatened to affect the grade 1 listed organ beneath. 

The Coronavirus restrictions have curtailed the usual church fundraising events and Jonathan decided to take matters into his own hands. His efforts have been hugely appreciated and it’s hoped the total raised will encourage others to find innovative ways to raise the rest of the money needed for the repairs.

To support Jonathan’s epic run, go to

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