Saturday Gathering celebrates sixth birthday with six baptisms

The Halifax-based Saturday Gathering, which reaches out to people on the margins, has celebrated its sixth birthday - an occasion suitably marked by six adult baptisms.

"We baptised six new adult Christians and a toddler," said Revd Linda Maslen, who ministers at St Augustine's, Halifax and St Mark's, Siddal.

"We also celebrated the stories of many lives that God has changed in the last six years, saw another six people make decisions to follow Jesus and a similar number recommit their lives to God. 

"Saturday Gathering reaches out to people who wouldn't normally set foot in a church, people who are financially very poor and often with chaotic lives on the margins of society.

"The love, generosity and kindness of God help them begin discipleship journeys which take them wherever they want to go.

"We have had homeless people and sofa surfers who have then taken paths to more stable lives," Linda said.

"One of the biggest reasons people come to the Gathering is to find new family, with the help of a prodigal God who is always willing to accept people back into the fold."

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