School pupils support walk for water in Tanzania

Battyeford Church of England Primary School, over the last two weeks of term, took ‘Water for Life’ to its heart with a range of activities and teaching bringing home the importance of access to clean water for many in our Link dioceses in Tanzania.

Amongst the activities was a water assault course in which local vicar Maggie McLean took an enthusiastic part. The pupils also practised carrying water, African-style, but in reduced quantities. Each pupil was then invited to take a milk bottle home and return it with loose change towards sponsoring parishioners from the Church of Christ the King, Battyeford, on their Coast-to-Coast walk in September. The team hopes to raise £8,000 during the walk to fund projects in Tanzania aimed at providing clean drinking water for villagers living far from any piped supply.

The school raised a staggering £1,124 in their bottles, which provides a welcome kick-start to this ambitious project.

The Revd Maggie Mclean said, “I am off to Africa this week to talk to our partners in Tanzania, and I know they will be thrilled at this great start to our campaign for supplies of safe water. Many thanks to the teachers, children and parents for this significant boost to our fund-raising efforts.”

If you would like to support this great cause you can donate by going to Walking for Water for Life for CtK Battyeford on the website MyDonate. If you also wish to find out more about the project please contact Bill Jones on

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