Season of Creation launches in Diocese of Leeds

Creationtide, a month-long celebration of God’s wonderful natural world begins tomorrow.

Churches across the diocese are preparing a variety of special services, exciting events and prayers to celebrate Creationtide, otherwise known as the ‘Season of Creation’, which runs throughout the month of September until 4th October. 

It is a period in the official Church of England calendar dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of all life. The season is taking place to encourage Christians throughout the Anglican community to give thanks for the God’s creation and put practices in place to help improve the environment. 

Planned church events in the diocese include a thanksgiving service dedicated to animals, green communion and one church in Wakefield, St John’s, has created prayer bags which contain different natural objects to promote prayer and which will be handed out to the congregations. 

The Rt Revd Paul Slater, Bishop of Kirkstall and chair of the Diocesan Environment Group, speaking in a promotional video, said “This is the time of year when we don’t just start school and start afresh but we also think about God’s world which he has given to us, and our stewardship of that.”

“Let’s get involved in ‘Creationtide’ and let’s think through what it means to express our care for God’s world.”

If your church wants to get involved in this years ‘Creationtide’ then find some useful resources here on the national Creationtide website, including an actions and reflection sheet. Other useful ideas and resources can be found here on the Diocese of Leeds Environment page. Jemima Parker the Diocesan Environment Officer is also available to be contacted for advice and support. 


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