Shine festival of fun at Holy Trinity to mark 200 years of mission

A week of fantastic fun events to brighten your life is promised at Holy Trinity, Huddersfield, which celebrates its bicentennial this year.

“Shine” is the title of seven days of outreaching mission to the parish and local community running from June 9 to 16.  

Free events range from magic and comedy by John Archer, an evening of science and faith questions with Prof Revd David Wilkinson (pictured), to a fashion show and a beer festival.

Holy Trinity’s curate Steve Harvey explained what was in store:

“An amazing week of events is coming to Huddersfield, and everybody’s welcome and there’s something for everyone -things to eat, drink, things to make you laugh and think.

“200 years ago, the population of Huddersfield was growing with the rise in manufacturing employment; but for many, working conditions were deteriorating and poverty was widespread.

“Benjamin Haigh Allen saw the need and was desperate to shine the light of God’s love into this darkness, so he invested a vast sum of his own money to build Holy Trinity Church.

“200 years on, and the folks who call Holy Trinity their church still want to shine the light of God’s love into Huddersfield,” said Steve (pictured left).

All the information on Shine is available at: 

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