Shipley Church launches sponsor-a-slate roof repair project

St Paul's, Shipley has embarked on a urgent campaign to finish its roof repairs by asking local folk to sponsor individual slates.

The goal is to raise £17,000 to pay for slates as part of ongoing repairs.

Grants from the Heritage Lottery Fund helped pay for massive restoration to the main roof, which cost some £480,000 and is still underway.

But now the additional money is needed to mend the chancel, ofice and vestry roofs, with finishing touches to the tower.

A community open morning takes place on Saturday, November 24, with the aim of encouraging Shipley residents to join in the fundraising, said vicar Henriette Howarth.

"St Pauls was built for the community nearly 200 years ago and we want everyone to know that it belongs to them and that they are part of it.

"People can sponsor a Welsh slate and have their name, or a loved one's name written into a special book to record their lasting link with their church," said Henriette, pictured with Sasha Stoney and her children Tilda, Jonah and Poppy.

Details are available at

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