Sign up for Synod and your voice will be heard

Ever wondered how decisions are made regarding the future of our young Diocese? Ever wondered who makes those decisions and why? Ever wanted to have your say and be part of the process that builds our shared vision of Loving, Living, Learning? Diocesan Synod is where it all happens and where you can help in that vital task – and Synod needs you....... and your voice will count!

Synod is where confident Christians, clergy and laity of all ages gather three times a year at different locations across our large area for the debate and decision making that governs our direction. Bishop Nick says: "This young diocese will increasingly be focused by the priorities of the Diocesan Synod. So, it is vital that we get committed, imaginative and younger people on to it in order to shape the next generation of ministry and mission. Do you want to help shape the church for the years to come? Then please stand for election."

Wide ranging issues, from environmental improvements, to care for refugee groups or the latest plans for church growth are always up for informed discussion.
A recent high profile example was diocesan opposition to the so-called Bedroom Tax, which began as a motion from Bradford Episcopal Area and gained national prominence.
The two hundred elected members of Synod are evenly split between clergy and laity and a complete election process takes place every three years. 

Candidates for the Diocesan Synod are nominated by members of Deanery Synods - lay members nominate and vote for lay members and clergy for clergy, but candidates need not be on Deanery Synod themselves.

Nominations papers for candidates wishing to stand in the 2018 election will be sent out to Deanery Synod members on April 19, so if you are interested in standing approach a member of Deanery Synod from your local church. Nominations close on May 17 and those who go forward will take up their office from August 1. If you have ever considered playing a fuller part in diocesan life, please think about taking this opportunity to have a loud say in how we all go forward together.

If you want to check whether you are eligible to stand you can look at the Church Representation Rules here







And here are two posters to download and advertise the opportunity to take part in the upcoming elections:

Hard copies of the poster are available by emailing


Your Voice Counts poster.pdf
Your Voice Counts B W Poster.pdf
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