Silver Anniversary of women priests in our diocese just days away

A special service to mark the 25th anniversary of women being ordained in our diocese is fast approaching.

Large numbers are expected at Ripon Cathedral on Sunday, June 16 at 3.30pm to attend the Silver Anniversary of Women’s Ordination to the Priesthood.

Wendy Wilby was one of those ordained at the cathedral in 1994, having become a deacon there four years earlier.

Now retired, she is one of its honorary canons and explained the plans for the special day and the history behind it:

"Each parish has been asked to nominate up to four people to join with Bishop Nick as we celebrate the Eucharist together entitled Hope of our Calling.  

"25 years ago on the eve and the morning of Trinity Sunday, 25 women were ordained priest in Ripon Cathedral.

"That same year saw Wakefield Cathedral hosting the ordination to the priesthood of 19 women and a further 12 in Bradford Cathedral.

"Time has moved on and many have moved house and ministry to serve all over the country, but some of those ‘original’ women will be able to be present! 

"The Girl Choristers and Lay Clerks will be singing the service and many of the hymns and music chosen have been written by women," said Wendy, pictured.

"There will be a photograph taken at 3pm on the west front of the Cathedral of all women priests (in clerical collars) who are attending the service surrounding our own Diocesan Bishop.

"But above all what matters is that women and men, lay and ordained are all rejoicing and thanking God together for the joyful gift of serving in a full ministry.

"In 1994 a  momentous change took place within the life of the Church of England throughout the country.

"From that moment on, a whole priesthood, women and men together, began to serve the church in all areas of its ministry.

"It took a further 21 years for women to be consecrated bishops, but now we can rejoice in 22 women bishops, or bishops elect, including our own Bishop Helen-Ann who will be preaching on June 16.

"Do come along. You are all most welcome!” Wendy said.

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