Skipton churches join forces for #doyouknowhim mission

Christians in Skipton have joined forces mission initiative, #doyouknowhim.

Over the next two months leading to Easter every church in the town will take part in the initiative, going out into the streets to chat to people about faith, and holding open services on the theme each Sunday.


Bishop Nick Baines, the Bishop of Leeds, spoke at the launch service for #doyouknowhim, held last week at St Andrew’s Methodist Church. Some 250 Christians from across all the churches in Skipton took part, the Revd Richard Atkinson of the Methodist Church described the service as, “Relaxed yet serious, light but profound – full of positivity, joy and a sense of oneness.”


His sentiments were reflected by the vicar of St Mary’s Embsay, the Revd Louise Taylor- Kenyon who described the launch service: “It was wonderful, amazing, exciting and full of joy.  There was so much energy and enthusiasm and passion from people from all the different churches gathered together.” 


Over the next couple of months, the plan will be that every church in Skipton will be following the same sermon series, but each in their own distinct ways. 


One of the organisers of the launch on Sunday evening, Rev Phil Burns from Skipton Baptist Church, said, “There is something exciting happening within and among the churches of Skipton and we’re looking forward to seeing where this goes.  Whatever happens we hope that people in the church will be more inspired and encouraged to talk about Jesus and the amazing difference knowing him makes in their lives!"


If you would like to know more about ‘#doyouknowHim?’ you can go to their webpage where you can follow the latest news and view the video series or you can email  You could also just pop into one of the local churches to find out more.

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