Social media users meet up for a Tweet Up

A Tweet Up of social media users from churches and cathedrals across the Diocese of Leeds took place at Church House to encourage and inspire those seeking to make the most of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

The event, hosted by the Diocese of Leeds Communications team, started with lunch and brought together church goers, who had attended previous courses, to listen to guest speakers who shared presentations about online interaction and the use of social media. The speakers included the Reverend David Robertson, vicar of South Ossett, Philip Lickley, Communications, Marketing and Events Officer at Bradford Cathedral and Liz Morgan, Churches Digital Champion, who spoke all the way from London via Skype. 

“A huge thank you to the diocese for another great day.” Said the Revd Blair Radford, assistant curate of St Paul’s Church in Monk Bretton, who attended the Tweet Up.

“It was great to learn more about social media and the speakers were excellent.” 

This session, along with previous ones on digital and social media provided by the diocese, have been excellent and have given me a really good platform to move forward digitally with in my parish.”

Anita Shaw, another attendee, also said, "I found the afternoon very thought provoking and informative."

The opening speaker, the Revd David Robertson (pictured), shared a presentation based on his most recent book ‘What would Jesus post?’ which explores a biblical approach to online interaction and challenged those in attendance about the way they communicated with others on platforms like Twitter. 

Liz and Philip (pictured below), who followed, also provided useful practical knowledge and explored the ways social media platforms can be used by churches to reach different people in their communities and share the good news of Jesus. 

The next Diocese of Leeds social and digital media training day for churches will take place on Monday, June 3 at Church House Leeds. If you are involved or interested in using digital and social media for church then this day is for you. The award winning Church of England digital team will be travelling from London to deliver what promises to be an informative and inspiring event. For more information and to book a place please contact the Diocese of Leeds communications team on 


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