Songs of Praise revisits Great Yorkshire Show with Bishop Helen-Ann

BBC Songs of Praise is repeating favourite moments from before COVID-19 and Sunday’s programme features Bishop of Ripon, Dr Helen-Ann Hartley at the Great Yorkshire Show.

It was the famous agricultural show’s 160th anniversary in 2018 and Bishop Helen-Ann was filmed enjoying a cream tea with presenter, Revd Kate Bottley.

“When I sat outside the WI tent on a picnic blanket with Revd Kate Bottley at The Great Yorkshire Show, I could never haver imagined almost 2 years later being asked to approve that interview being reshown as part of the Songs of Praise ‘lockdown’ specials,” Bishop Helen-Ann said.

“Given all the challenges we are facing at the moment, I am heartened that the role of faith and farming is being given attention, and especially so given that this year’s GYS has been cancelled.  

“Seeing the interview again is in many ways poignant not because it reminds me of the life we once led, but of how much we (certainly I) have taken for granted in terms of the basics of human relationships.  

“When I think back to that very hot day in July, I remember our laughter as the sound engineer wired me up with my microphone; and the slight discomfort of sitting on a picnic blanket drinking tea and eating cream scones whilst trying to have a coherent conversation with Kate about what I was doing at the Show,” Bishop Helen-Ann recalled. 

“This year feels very different, and rural communities and those engaged in farming are facing their own challenges whilst at the same time getting on with the basics of lambing and calving which tend to dominate at this time of year.  

“I hope that this Sunday’s Songs of Praise can help us celebrate our rural communities together and all that we can share, even in this time of lockdown.”

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