Speakers announced for fourth Follow me series

Follow MeTony Robinson, the Area Bishop of Wakefield has announced the speakers who will be leading this year’s Follow Me 4 – a series of five evening teaching sessions in Wakefield Cathedral for lay people and clergy in the Wakefield Area to explore faith and discipleship.

The first Follow Me Series was introduced in October 2014 and this fourth set of talks builds on the success of the last three years which has seen well over a hundred people at many of the sessions.

We asked people who had attended previous series what they feel they have got them, Here are just a few responses:

“I thought Bishop Philip North was an excellent speaker and what he said was really challenging and thought-provoking.”  (Nadia)

 “The speakers have been stimulating, quality sessions and very topical. Excellent, interactive evenings.” (Jean)

“I’ve never missed a session. I've found the whole experience uplifting and so useful.”  (Ursula)


Bishop Tony explained more:

“I can’t believe that we are about to start the fourth year of ‘Follow Me’.  

“The format is that for five Thursday evenings between September and April people from the Wakefield Episcopal Area come together for worship, for food and fellowship and to learn more about their faith with a variety of subjects on Prayer, the Bible and Discipleship. 

“Everyone is welcome. All we ask is that they sign up so we know how many are coming for catering purposes. Just email Caroline Asquith.” caroline.asquith@leeds.anglican.org”


This year’s speakers are a diverse and intriguing bunch of sought after speakers:

Rt Revd Alison WhiteFirst up on 21 September sees Rt Revd Alison White, the Bishop of Hull talking about ‘Finding our Way in prayer.

Alison, the second woman to be consecrated as a bishop in the Church of England is an excellent speaker with much experience of spirituality and prayer in jobs as diverse as Director of Pastoral Studies at Cranmer Hall, Adult Education Officer for the Diocese of Peterborough and adviser to the Diocese of Newcastle for spirituality and spiritual direction.


The Very Revd Lister TongeSecond in the series on Thursday 19 October is The Very Revd Lister Tonge, Dean of Monmouth talking to the topic: ‘Listening God: hearing his voice in your own life

Born and raised in Lancashire, the Revd Lister Tonge has an international reputation as someone who can help people and communities develop their spiritual life, having worked everywhere from South Africa and New Zealand to Belgium and Iceland.


Revd David RhodesOn 23 November Revd David Rhodes, ex-journalist, Anglican vicar and former director of the Bible Reading Fellowship is the speaker on ‘How the Church buried Jesus’.

David has written five books as well as numerous articles and meditations. He has worked extensively with homeless and marginalised people which led to him setting up the innovative Retreats on the Streets. He has also served as chaplain to The Children's Society, working on spirituality and social justice.


Rt Revd Chris Edmondson2018 sees two more speakers in this series:

The Rt Revd Chris Edmondson, former Bishop of Bolton and now Honorary Assistant Bishop in our diocese is the speaker on 1 February 2018.

Sister Carole, Prioress of WhitbyAnd Sister Carole, Prioress of Whitby will be the final speaker in this series on 12 April 2018.


Everyone is welcome and each evening begins with Evensong at 6.30pm at Wakefield Cathedral, (although this is optional if it is too early for you to make).
Food is served from 7.15pm and but people are asked to sign up for catering purposes (see below).
The Follow Me teaching session runs from 7.45pm until 9.15pm.

To sign up, send your RSVP with any dietary requirements to: caroline.asquith@leeds.anglican.org  01924 434450
Caroline Asquith, Church House, 1 South Parade, Wakefield, WF1 1LP.

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