Special visitor from Sri Lanka comes to Leeds

Church House, Leeds had a special visitor from our link diocese in Sri Lanka this week.


The Revd Nadarajah Jency Manjuka, (known as Manjuka) is in the diocese until September 9, staying with members of the Sri Lanka Task Group, pictured with her this week at Church House.


Chair of the group is the Bishop of Kirkstall, the Rt Revd Paul Slater, who recently visited Sri Lanka for the enthronement of the new Bishop of Kurunagela, one of the two dioceses that make up the Church of Ceylon, as it is known and led prayers for Manjuka and her valuable work


Manjuka told the task group about the difficulties she has encountered as a woman priest in Sri Lanka where she is one of only 11 women priests among 160 clergy.  


Bishop Paul described her story as very moving and praised her high level of commitment.

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