Sri Lanka trip to strengthen Christian links

Christian successes and challenges in Sri Lanka will be studied by Leeds clergy and lay people who are making a Link visit to the island this month.

Members from the Diocese of Leeds Sri Lanka Task Group will post regular video diaries to share their journey, which starts on Thursday, February 6. The first of these can be viewed below. 

Our link with the Dioceses of Colombo and Kuranegala has been well-established over many years, resulting in close ties between churches and schools, as well as personal friendships. 

Many visits between the dioceses have taken place with school groups, teachers, parish groups, clergy and bishops travelling between our two countries.

The Rt Revd Paul Slater, Bishop of Kirkstall and part of the travelling group, said, “During our visit, we’re hoping to be able to share prayer and further develop friendships with our Sri Lankan brothers and sisters. 

“We are also particularly interested in what the Sri Lankan Church is doing in respect of their mission themes. These include: the Alpha Course, the World needs a Father, Sports Ministry and Day care and Pre-school.

“I’ve got some great people going with me and when we come back we are going to hold a Sri Lanka Day on Saturday, April 25 where people will be able to come and hear our stories from the trip. 

“April 25 is shortly after the anniversary of the tragic 2019 Easter Day bombings in Sri Lanka and we want to remember that as well as celebrate all that the Christian Church is doing in Sri Lanka.”

Throughout their trip, the group will be sharing their journey in a daily video diary. Follow this link to access the videos and keep up to date with the team’s experiences and adventures.

Click here also for more information about the link with Sri Lanka and the day on Saturday, April 25 which will be hosted in Burley in Wharfedale. 


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