Sri Lankan school restored thanks to your giving

A school in Sri Lanka, badly damaged in the flooding of summer 2017 has been restored and repaired thanks to an appeal within the Diocese of Leeds.

The Molkawa pre-school, pictured, was badly damaged and classrooms were swept away.

Now rebuilding work has taken place thanks to ap;proximately £9000 given by the Diocese and sent by Bishop Paul Slater to the Diocese of Colombo, Sri Lanka.


“We have used the money that you have send to us to redo the school,” said Suren Goonesekera,  the Secretary of the Diocese of Colombo Board of Social Responsibility.

“We are indeed very grateful to you for initiative this project and partnering with  us for this worthy cause. “


The school is situated at the centre of the disaster area when heavy rain caused flooding in May and June 2017  (See map below - red marker) . An appeal was launched from the Anglican Diocese of Leeds which is a partnership link diocese to the Church of Ceylon. 

(Note that Colombo on the west coast of Sri Lanka (map) is the home of the Diocesan Office for the Diocese)

The Disaster Relief team of  the Diocese of Colombo was heavily involved in relief efforts over a number of months. 

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