Stories of faith and hope shared online

Online stories of faith share the hope and life transforming power of the gospel with the people of Leeds.

Inspired by a recent sermon series, exploring how different people met with Jesus in the Gospels, members of the congregation at St George’s Church in Leeds took it in turns to record and share their testimonies as part of the weekly online service.  

Each week over the summer the ‘Stories’ sermon series, delivered by members of the congregation and the team at St George’s, was couple with recorded testimonies. 

The series culminated on Sunday, September 6 where everyone was encouraged to share their own faith story after the morning service on social media. Phil Knox, Head of Mission for Young Adults at Evangelical Alliance, joined as a guest and spoke about the power of sharing faith, from his new book, Story Bearer.

Revd Eve Ridgeway, Associate Rector of St. George's, said, “It was really encouraging to see different people sharing their faith stories online, some for the first time. It was easy for people to do on their phones and upload to their social media account.” 

“During this time of less social interaction in person, it's more important than ever to be confident and open to share our faith stories online, when many people are searching for hope and genuine community. 

“We've had a really positive response and it gave us a reminder of our vision and purpose as we headed into September.”

By the end many members of St. George's congregation had shared their stories online. The videos were then made as a compilation to celebrate and encourage others in sharing their faith. To watch please find them below.



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