Strike up the band as new honorary canons installed at Wakefield

There was music and rejoicing at Wakefield Cathedral on Sunday as three honorary canons were installed and a new cathedral Priest Vicar licensed at a service led by Bishop of Leeds, Nick Baines.

Installed as an honorary canon was Diocesan Director of Ministry and Mission, Canon Andrew Norman, (pictured far left alongside Cathedral Canon June Lawson). Andrew was appointed to the new role of Director of Ministry and Mission last January, after serving for seven years as Principal of Ridley Hall in Cambridge, an Anglican theological training college. 

As Director, Andrew leads a team responsible for clergy and lay training, church growth, community work, vocations, and work with children and young people. "It’s a real privilege to become an Honorary Canon of Wakefield Cathedral," said Andrew. "The Cathedral enjoys a well-earned reputation for welcome, uplifting worship and Christian outreach – and all of these were evident in the tone set by the installation service. I’m delighted to be formally associated with All Saints."

Pictured right, providing the music after the service is the West Yorkshire Police Band, at Wakefield Cathedral to support the second new Honorary Canon, the Revd Paul  Cartwright, (pictured above, far right)  a former policeman. Paul who is incumbent of St Peter and St John Barnsley is also Deputy Lead Chaplain to the West Yorkshire Police force and a member of the West Yorkshire Police Band.

Paul is also pictured (left) with West Yorkshire Chief Constable Dee Collins and Lead Chaplain, Dudley Martin.

Paul said, “Working as both a Police Chaplain and a volunteer officer It was a joy to have members of the policing family present during the service, and especially the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police Dee Collins as well as our lead Chaplain Dudley Martin."

Also installed as an honorary canon was Revd June Lawson who as well as being Priest Vicar at Wakefield Cathedral is Clergy Development Officer for Wakefield Area, Area Dean of Wakefield Deanery and Director of the Mirfield Centre.

During the same service, Revd Mark Vasey-Saunders, pictured  above left, second from the right,  Academic Tutor at St Hild College, was licensed as Priest Vicar of Wakefield Cathedral.  Mark was previously Team Vicar & Pioneer Minister in the Retford Area Team Ministry in Southwell and Nottingham Diocese. He completed his part-time PhD from Durham and was appointed Academic Tutor at St Hild College (based at Mirfield) in 2017.

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