Success of online financial advice session secures a repeat event

The successful format of a Zoom meeting offering valuable financial advice to parish treasurers will be repeated next week.

Organised by diocesan Lead Stewardship Officer Becky Nicholson, 16 people joined an online meeting recently and thanks to positive feedback, another of the digital forums will take place on Tuesday, April 21.

“Questions raised included deferring parish share payments, making grant applications, the rollout of the Parish Giving Scheme and gift aid,” said Becky, who offered advice along with diocesan Finance Manager Sajid Boota and Financial Services Accountant Philip Deane.

“People popped in and out of the meeting and one of the great things about the session was that treasurers were also able to share their experiences and support each other," she added.

Becky was able to share her screen to guide the online guests through a new helpful webpage: /video-diarycontent/fundraising-during-spring-2020

“Plenty of questions emerged about digital giving technology.

“An interesting example was how one church had seen an donation uplift of £400 by promoting their text to donate numbers,” Becky said.

The next session is on Tuesday, April 21, between 12pm and 2pm and for more details contact Becky at becky.nicholson@leeds,

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