Surprising strangers with roses

All Hallows Church in Hyde Park (Leeds) celebrated Christmas in unusual ways this year.

On Christmas Eve they suprised and delighted shoppers by giving out 'roses for peace' in the city centre - along with Leeds Muslim Youth Group and Mill Hill Chapel.

Revd Heston Groenewald says, "It was an afternoon full of joy and colour and smiles".

And on Christmas Day they held a Real Junk Food Project Christmas lunch, using surplus food from restaurants and supermarkets that otherwise would have gone to landfill.

Heston says, "We had a Christmas miracle at All Hallows - 175 people shared Christmas cheer and lunch, and saved a mountain of food from going to waste.

"Thanks to everyone who helped make this a very very special day".

They also created a Community Free Shop for a couple of weeks giving away second hand clothes.


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