The Diocesan Intern Scheme is launched in Leeds

This September has seen the launch of the Diocesan Internship Scheme. For the past ten years there has been an internship scheme running at St George's Church in Leeds, but this year the opportunity has arisen, because of some Strategic Development Funding, to expand the programme and enable churches from across Leeds and beyond to be part of the scheme.

The scheme involves interns gathering together on a Monday for teaching and reflection on subjects such as discipleship, leadership, theology and practical ministry skills. The interns then serve in different ministries across different churches during the week. It is a fantastic opportunity for young adults to explore their vocation, develop skills and grow in their discipleship at the same time as blessing the local church immensely.  

At the start of this years scheme, the Bishop of Kirkstall, the Rt Revd Paul Slater, was able to visit the interns and share his vision for the city of Leeds. This year there are twelve interns part of the scheme, ranging in age from 18 - 29 and representing five different nationalities and serving five different churches.  

The newly appointed Director of Diocesan Interns, Revd Joanna Seabourne, said, "I am delighted to be leading the Diocesan intern programme and am excited to see all the ways in which God will use it to bless the individuals involved and through them bless the churches they are serving." 

If you wish to find out more information about the Diocesan Intern Scheme then please contact Revd Joanna Seabourne on 

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