‘Loving, Living, Learning’ is the outward facing theme of the diocese, now seen in branding, publicity, online and in print. (Churches can order posters here)
Bishop Nick explains, “This emerges from our work to provide a simple lens through which people - both inside and beyond the church - can see who we are and what we are about as a church and diocese.
"We launched the diocese with a vision statement: 'to equip confident clergy to enable confident Christians to live and tell the good news of Jesus Christ in the Diocese of Leeds'. That remains true, but we also need a statement that allows those in our communities to catch a glimpse of who we are and what drives our mission.
"So, ‘Loving, Living, Learning’ are also three words that any parish can use to help explain what we are about and to help prioritise our work - keeping it simple:
‘Loving’ - because our experience of God’s love compels us to love God, the world and our neighbour, showing compassion to all and building outward-looking communities.
‘Living’ - because we celebrate the abundance of life and promote human flourishing, engaging with the world and working for its transformation, challenging injustice, respecting and protecting the environment for this and future generations.
‘Learning’ - because we’re confident in God and the good news of Jesus Christ ... but we’re always listening - to God, the world and each other, and we’re always learning - alert to Jesus Christ’s challenge to live differently.