The faithful make it through the snow for Bishop's Lenten Prayers

Two small but faithful bands of pilgrims made it through the ice and snow to join Bishop Jonathan for Lenten Prayers in Halifax and Dewsbury Minsters on Saturday.

Both Minsters had been closed on Friday - and reduced their services over the weekend - and people were advised to only travel if safe, and with care, to join the Bishop of Huddersfield, the Rt Revd Dr Jonathan Gibbs for Lenten prayers. 

It was part of an open invitation issued to all parishes by all the bishops to join them for a "Holy Lent of Loving, Living, and Learning" - and to explore what that vision statement means through daily prayer, Bible reading, fasting and meditation.

Bishop Jonathan said: "Bishop Tony had provided some very appropriate forms of prayer for both corporate and personal use, which those attending found really helpful. 

"The ones for personal prayer included a "finger labyrinth" encouraging people to reflect on drawing near to God at the centre of the labyrinth, and then to be sent out once more to live for him, renewed, and strengthened, by meeting with him in this way.

"There were also resources for people to take away to encourage prayer during the rest of Lent - and clergy in particular were keen to take these away for their own ministries," he added.

Further prayer times with the bishops will be held across the diocese and all are welcome to go along for any length of time and join them:

  • Saturday 10th March, Bishop Toby Howarth,  10.00am—3.00pm, Bradford Cathedral
  • Saturday 17th March, Bishop Tony Robinson,  10.00am—3.00pm, Wakefield Cathedral
  • Saturday 24th March, Bishop Nick Baines,  10.00am—3.00pm.  Holy Trinity, Skipton

Accompanying the Lent project is a four page leaflet with a prayer to be used each day and thoughts on living out the diocesan values.  Leaflets are available from Area Bishops and Area Deans for every church or available to download on the website. 

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