The  Royal Wedding takes place a week early in Bishop Monkton

Royak weddingFrom Prince William and Kate with baby Louis to  Charles, Camilla, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, all the main participants in next Saturday’s Royal wedding were at St John the Baptist Church, Bishop Monkton near Ripon on Friday 11 May, just over a week earlier.

The mock royal wedding included all twenty two pupils of Year 4 of Bishop Monkton CofE Primary School , with each pupil having a key  role in the wedding.

Presiding over the wedding was Associate Priest, the Revd Sheila Murray. 

“We had three bridesmaids and a page boy, Mr and Mrs Markle, Andrew and his two girls, Edward and Sophie, two friends of Megan's as witnesses, and for some reason we also  had the Queen's Father! “ said the Revd Murray.

The congregation included parents, other pupils from the school and members of the regular church congregation who had received especially designed royal invitations made and designed by the eight and nine year old pupils

The church organist, Andy,  played the Bridal March on entry as a page boy threw imaginary flower petals on the carpet.  

Well known hymns are promised on Saturday but in the absence of further clues, the pupils chose two modern hymns, ‘One more Step’ and ‘Shine Jesus Shine’.

In their wedding vows, ‘Harry’ and ‘Meghan’ promised to look after each other, especially if one of them fell in the playground, and to share their sweets including the last one if the other wanted it.

After exchanging Haribo rings, the couple signed a certificate, along with the two witnesses. They then went out to the Wedding March and proceeded to the church lych gates in order to cut the ribbon tied around them (a local custom in the village).  

The idea for the Royal wedding was that of Revd Sheila and class teacher, Mrs Kay Cairns.

“We saw this as an opportunity to invite the school and their parents into the church in order to build better relationships,” said the Revd Murray.   “In the service I also talked about what happens at a "normal" wedding with regard to getting agreement from the congregation to support the couple (which we did)  vows, promises and rings. “

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