Top marks for St Aidan’s pupils from Director of Education

Diocesan Director of Education, Richard Noake, has congratulated pupils at St Aidan’s Harrogate after  outstanding set of GCSE results.

Richard presented pupils with the awards at St Aidan’s GCSE presentation evening and gave an inspiring speech to students, parents, carers and teachers.

As well as receiving their certificates, 49 students were presented with individual subject awards, academic achievement awards and awards for courage and determination.

Richard said, “A favourite part of the job of Director has to be sharing in the success of student achievement with schools, so I was delighted to be asked to be part of St Aidan’s GCSE presentation evening.

“Shaking hundreds of hands and giving out a full set of awards to a real diverse and inclusive set of students was wonderful.

“St Aidan’s are right to be proud of an outstanding set of GCSE results, placing them in the top % of schools in the country, which was a real testament to the work of students, staff and the support of parents. “

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