Tributes paid to former Diocesan Secretary Malcolm Halliday

Tributes have been paid to former Diocesan Secretary of the former Diocese of Bradford, Malcolm Halliday, who has recently passed away.
Debbie Child, another former Diocesan Secretary of the Diocese of Bradford, as well as the Diocese of Leeds, has paid tribute to her colleague.
She writes: “Malcolm came to the Diocese of Bradford from a senior role in the Civil Service working in London.  
“The role of Diocesan Secretary was a vocational role for him, and he saw it as part of his mission for the church. 
“He had a strong faith which he always exhibited in his work, but he had a determined focus on delivering an efficient and effective service to the parishes.  
“Bradford was a small diocese with limited resources and Malcolm ensured that i’s were dotted and t’s crossed in order to ensure high standards in administration.  
“He had a strong belief in the parish system, and that the diocesan office was there only to serve the parish clergy and laity.
“He suffered from a period of ill health around 2005, but after six months off, he returned to his role for a further five years before retiring in 2010.
“During his time as Diocesan Secretary he was involved in some major projects, one in particular, the re-organisation of schools in Bradford, from a three to a two-tier system.  
“Malcolm led the diocesan element of this and worked diligently to ensure the best outcome for schools and pupils of the district.  
“He also masterminded the move from Bradford City Centre to a new diocesan office in Steeton.  
“Cathedral Hall in Bradford was not a user-friendly building and for those who were less able it was very difficult to negotiate.  
“The office in Steeton which was made to be accessible, also made travel from the northern end of the diocese to the diocesan office much easier and less demanding.
 “Malcolm was ahead of his time in encouraging lay participation in church and diocesan life; he was keen to support the laity and their involvement on deanery and diocesan synods; he believed in representation and decision making by committee, and he lived out those ideals by participating in church life at all levels.  
“He took up a role as General Synod member on his retirement in 2010 and continued his role as a Reader actively from 1979.
 “Malcolm was a supportive colleague; he was hospitable, welcoming and he had a good sense of humour.  
“All of which has stood him in good stead as he manoeuvred life in the Church of England!”
The Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds and former Bishop of Bradford, said: “Malcolm was totally committed to the life, ministry and mission of the church and never flagged in taking that dedication seriously. 
“He has served well at every level, latterly as an elected member of the General Synod and the Dioceses Commission. 
“He will be greatly missed. 
“We honour his memory and pray for Di and their family.”
Do you have pictures of Malcom you would like to share?
Please send them to us at

There is to be a Celebration Eucharist to give thanks for Malcolm’s life & ministry, which will be held in Bradford Cathedral on Sunday October 17 at 3.30pm.

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