Unicorn or Superhero? That is the question.

Unicorn or Superhero...that is the question as the votes are now in for the secret ballot from choristers at Wakefield Cathedral 

 …..and all will be revealed at the Wakefield Cathedral Abseil on Saturday October 22.

For the choristers at Wakefield Cathedral have been holding a secret ballot to choose a costume for the Cathedral’s newest member of staff, the Canon Precentor, Leah Vasey Saunders who has agreed to abseil down the side of the iconic building's tower dressed in it, to raise funds for the choir. They elected four choices including ninja; fluffy unicorn; or superheroes.

Canon Leah – who does not like heights - will not reveal the winning costume until she steps off the parapet to abseil down the Cathedral which has the tallest tower in Yorkshire.

Said Leah: “I'm not the greatest fan of heights but I am a huge fan of our Cathedral choirs - they work so hard all year round and achieve so much together. 

“I thought it was such a small thing to do, given how much they do week in week out – I wanted to show my support and at the same time raise money to support the choristers. you can support Leah here...



Leah Vasey-Saunders is raising money for Wakefield Cathedral by taking part in the Canon Leah's Leap of Faith. Sponsor her with Virgin Money Giving.

She will be joined in her fundraising efforts by Cathedral Bookshop volunteer Chris Haigh, who, at 76, is the oldest abseiler this year and is raising funds for the Cathedral. Her daughter, Sally is also joining her and is raising funds for Wakefield Hospice in memory of her dad, Richard who chaired the Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir and was a long standing lay clerk at the Cathedral. 

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