Uplifting artwork by young people sent to local care homes

Artwork and uplifting messages have been sent to two care homes by the children and young people of St Stephen’s Church, Lindley.

The recent lockdown measures have resulted in many, particularly those living in care homes, being isolated from family and loved ones. In response to this the Junior Church at St Stephen’s Lindley, which includes over fifty children and young people, decided to send personal messages of encouragement to the residents of Beechwood and Cleveland House care homes.

"St Stephen's has run regular services at Beechwood and Cleveland House for the past few years, so we felt it was extremely important to offer alternative support to the residents during this difficult time,” said Charles Smith, who leads the children’s work at St Stephen’s Lindley. 

“We also wanted to keep our young people who normally attend church active and purposeful.  The art work project seemed like the perfect solution.”

“We've been delighted with the uptake from both St Stephen's and the wider community, and the positive feedback received from the care homes."

Here is a video put together by Charles, showing some of the messages the children have been sending as part of their Beechwood and Cleveland House art project.


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