Upper Wharfedale inspires new music in aid of J B Priestley\'s favourite church

Dales musician Peter Beresford has created a new CD entitled ‘Up Wharfedale’, featuring music inspired by the countryside and people of Upper Wharfedale, with all proceeds going to Hubberholme Church.

Peter (pictured left) follows in the footsteps of numerous Beresfords who have been musicians in the Dales and his father, Arthur Beresford, was born and raised on a farm near Yockenthwaite in Langstrothdale and was also a self-taught musician.

Like many generations of the Beresford family, Peter's mum and dad, are buried in the churchyard of St Michael and All Angels, Hubberholme -  as were the ashes of author J B Priestley.

Peter explained: “Not only did I set out to write some music which captures the character and spirit of Upper Wharefdale, but I also wanted to support Hubberholme Church which held a special place in the hearts of my mum and dad.”

Revd Dr James Theodosius of Kettlewell with Conistone, Hubberholme & Arncliffe with Halton Gill, said it was wonderful that Peter’s talent and deep-rooted connection with the area would benefit St Michael and All Angels.

“It’s an incredible gift to us that his musical gifts will help support out church,” Revd James said.

‘Up Wharfedale’ includes four instrumental tracks all written and performed by Peter, who lives in Grewelthorpe, near Masham.

Whilst attempting to capture the unique character and spirit of Upper Wharfedale, they explore different styles and genres ranging from traditional/folk to classical and even swing jazz!

The four tracks are as follows:

Winter in Langstrothdale

Set in the time that his dad lived in the dale, this track captures the cold, hard winter months which were interspersed with fun and frivolity at numerous dances in village halls and pubs.

Skirfare Meanderings

The River Skirfare is a magical small river which flows through Littondale. This atmospheric piano piece follows its journey from Foxup through Litton and Arncliffe until it reaches the larger River Wharfe.

Festival Town

Grassington is a place of superb contrasts; not only is it a picturesque Dales ‘honey pot’, but it hosts a highly successful music festival and also a hugely popular Dickensian festival. ‘Festival town’ is an upbeat swing jazz piece which explores other styles too in an attempt to capture the many contrasts of this magnificent Dales town.

Wharfedale - Proud Dale, Proud People

A stirring piano and string piece which paints a picture of this magnificent dale and the people who live and work there.

Short extracts from the CD are available on: www.buckden.org/upwharfedale.htm

‘Up Wharfedale’ is available for £10 including P&P from: Jane Way on 01756 761333 jane.way@outlook.com or Avril Harrison at Ghyll End, Beckermonds, Buckden, Skipton BD23 5JL. Please make cheques payable to Hubberholme Church.

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