Village life celebrated at special day of praise, fun and food

A grand celebration of church and village community life has been held by the parishes of

Kirby Hill, Skelton and Cundall with Norton-Le-Clay.

They held a special thanksgiving day on Sunday, June 30, planned by hardworking lay people, said Revd Alison Askew.

“It began with an informal Songs of Praise on the church green, attended by 71 people, which was led by various lay members of the three parishes,” Revd Alison said.

“The children from Kirby Hill school taught us two worship songs and we all learned some interesting things about our villages and what makes them special.

“After the service over a hundred people of all ages shared in The Big Lunch - an amazing array of food in a large marquee.

“There were then games which kept over twenty children and some adults amused for a good while.”

Fine fare was on sale as local people who run cottage industries were able to display and sell their produce.

The collection from the service was divided between two local charities, Jenny Ruth Workshops and Ripon Community Hospital.

“It's great that the church could help build community in this way by getting people to enjoy themselves together, supporting good causes as well as showing something of God's generosity and hospitality by providing lunch for any members of our community who came,” Revd Alison said.

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