Virtual Digital and Social Media Training Planned for September

On 6th September the Church of England digital communications team will deliver a Social & Digital Media training day for churches in the Diocese of Leeds. However, instead of delivering the training in person it will be done vitrually, via live video stream all the way from the national Church of England offices in Westminster, London. 

Social and digital media is everywhere and quickly becoming one of the most important ways in which we communicate and view information. Therefore, churches are being encouraged to take advantage of this incredible opportunity to share the good news of Jesus and connect with a population that is living more online than ever. If you are responsible for digital or social media in your church then this day is perfect for you, and it doesn't matter how experienced you are as it will cater for all capabilites. 

Topics covered will include social media trends, writing for the web, A Church Near You, dealing with negativity online and how to use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It will be a practical day held by Tallie and Amaris (pictured right), two experienced and engaging digital media offices who previously toured the country delivering training to over 500 parishes, including some in the Diocese of Leeds. It will be held at Church House Leeds, starting at 10am until 4pm, with Tallie and Amaris conecting to us virtually through the big screens that we have in the conference rooms. 

If you wish to book a place then please send an email to our social and digital media officer, Richard, on with: 

  • Your name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Name of your Church and Parish
  • Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages that you may be responsible for

Places will be given on a first come first serve basis and they are limited to 35 because of the availability of space, therefore, please get in touch as quickly as possible if you wish to book a space for this exciting day.

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