Vocation Sunday being marked with new video

Vocation Sunday is being marked this weekend with a new video from the Diocese of Leeds.
The Church of England’s national vocation day, held this year on May 3, is a time where people are invited to consider what God’s call on their life might be, in whatever form it takes.
Revd Canon Derek Walmsley, Diocesan Director of Ordinands and Vocations, has produced a new video offering an overview of what this looks like in our diocese.
Revd Derek says: “All of us are called to pray, to make disciples, to seek first the Kingdom of God, and to do that which makes for peace.
“All of us are called collectively as part of the body of Christ with our different parts which we play.”
Our video produced about Vocation Sunday can be found here.
If you would like to know more about vocations, please visit www.leeds.anglican.org/vocations. 

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