Volunteers wanted from Synod to help care for our buildings

Synod members are wanted by the Diocesan Advisory Committee to help with the care of our churches and buildings.

It advises on reorderings, physical improvements and maintenance across the diocese and the DAC's Secretary, Lisa McIntyre and Chair, the Ven Peter Townley, Archdeacon of Pontefract, have invited anyone with an interest to get in touch.

In a presentation to Diocesan Synod, Archdeacon Peter, said: "There is no such thing as an ordinary parish church and whether you want a new loo or kitchen or wish to commission a beautiful new stained glass window - the DAC is only a phone call away.

"The DAC is there to help us all make positive differences in our parishes and we are wonderfully supported in doing this by our Chancellor, Professor Mark Hill QC and our registrar Peter Foskett."

Lisa McIntyre, pictured left, said: “The DAC can often be seen as a bureaucratic hurdle that must be overcome.

“However, the DAC is here to help PCCs care for their buildings in the best way and develop them as centres of mission that serve God’s people - for example, by making them more attractive to young people.”

Lisa said that the committee meets eight times a year and that clergy and lay members of Synod were equally welcome to apply for the two posts.

Archdeacons from each of the five Episcopal Areas sit on the committee, whcih currently has 17 members.

“Expertise is not a requirement as you will learn on the job – but keen interest is very important," Lisa said.

For further details contact lisa.mcintyre@leeds.anglican.org

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