Wakefield Walk for Peace brings people of faith together

Some 80 people of different faiths have taken part in the Wakefield Faiths Forum’s inaugural Walk for Peace, which took place on Saturday October 12.  
The walk started at St Peter’s Church in Horbury at 10.00am, where Fr Christopher Johnson, Vicar of Horbury with Horbury Bridge, offered the walkers God’s blessing.  
En route, the walkers visited the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints in Horbury Road and West Wakefield Methodist Church. 
Their next stop was at the Markazi Jamia Mosque at Westgate End. 
After calling at Wakefield Cathedral, the group moved on to St Andrew’s Church in Peterson Road, and the peace marchers ended their walk at the Wakefield Central Mosque.
At each stop, the minister or imam welcomed the group, led them in prayer and gave a blessing.  
At the Cathedral, the Dean, The Very Revd Simon Cowling, conducted a brief ceremony on the steps of the precinct, where Saturday morning shoppers stopped to listen.
Of the event, he said: “At a time of national and international tension it was very good to welcome friends from across faith traditions to the Cathedral. 
“What better way is there to work for peace than walking alongside our neighbours?”
The Forum’s President, David Dinmore, Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, said he was delighted with the turnout:  “We had a most enjoyable morning in warm sunshine and were made most welcome by the ministers of the churches and the imams of the mosques we visited on our way.  
“We were greatly encouraged by the supportive sounding of horns by motorists who passed us.  
“The enthusiastic participation by the congregations of the churches and mosques was also very gratifying.  
“At this time of trouble in so many places in the world, we hope that this demonstration by members of the different faith communities in Wakefield of their solidarity in the cause of peace will play its part in the quest for an end to strife and suffering.” 
Usman Ali, Chairman of the Faiths Forum, thanked the churches and mosques not only for their warm welcomes, but also for the refreshments that they provided.  
He added that the Forum’s committee would be considering repeating the Peace Walk in the future.

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