Wakefield\'s saxon cross inspiration for Bank Holiday family crafts

The Saxon cross raised outside Wakefield Cathedral last year to celebrate the end of its £6.5m refurbishment is to be the inspiration for Bank Holiday family crafts.

Wakefield Cathedral will run two Messy Family Fun sessions of crafts, games and creative activities on Tuesday 29 August and Thursday 31 August from 10-12noon and again 1-3pm.

You can drop in for 10 minutes or a full two hour session and make your own Saxon artefacts using string, clay, textiles, stone or even soap. All activities are free and you get to take home everything you make!

More information here.

Pictured above is the Dean of Wakefield, the Very Revd Jonathan Greener and the stone carver and calligrapher, Celia Kilner.

Children should be accompanied by a responsible adult for these are all-age activities – and all the organisers ask is that you are inspired by the Saxons! 

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