What future do you want for Bradford?

People living and working in Bradford are being invited to Bradford Cathedral on March 7th at 6.30pm to take part in a conversation on ideas for the future of the city.

The gathering is part of a two year independent inquiry,  Civil Society Futures (www.civilsocietyfutures.org), chaired by Julia Unwin, the former chief executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, which is taking a wide ranging look at the role of civil society and the contribution it makes. The project is led by ‘Forum for the Future’ in partnership with Open Democracy, Citizens UK and Goldsmiths University London.

The event at Bradford cathedral is part of their ‘Flourishing City’ series of talks and debates and the Dean of Bradford, the Very Revd Jerry Lepine says Bradford has a lot to contribute to the inquiry.

“I am motivated to host a Conversation because I believe that Bradford has a lot to give and that, together, we can offer some real wisdom to this national initiative.

“Communities of interest – of practice or geography – are hosting open Conversations which will bring people together to share their hopes and fears, the changes they are currently seeking, and together co-develop specific visions for what civil society might look like ten years from now.”

The Dean added,“My hope is that we will have an imaginative and constructive dialogue about the present and future civil society and ways in which this can address Bradford as a flourishing city.”

For more details and to take part visit the Event Brite page here

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